Cholecystectomy Clinic in Mumbai

Best Cholecystectomy Clinic in Mumbai

Cholecystectomy Clinic in Mumbai

Dr. Hemant Jain is a Senior Consultant Laparoscopic surgeon (Gastro surgeon) practicing in Mumbai with a special focus on Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgeries (SILS), Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeries, and GI Cancer Surgeries.

Visiting Consultant in Mumbai

Clinic Address

Navkaar Hospitals

Mulund, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, next to Varanda banquets, Bhandup, Bhandup West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400078


Cholecystectomy Surgery

The surgical removal of the gallbladder is known as a cholecystectomy. The open cholecystectomy and the laparoscopic method are the two fundamental variations of this treatment. In the majority of situations right now, laparoscopic surgery is used.

Purpose of Cholecystectomy Surgery

Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis are treated with a cholecystectomy. Gallstones of various sizes and forms can develop from the solid components of bile (cholelithiasis). These stones can cause severe right upper abdomen pain that can radiate to the right shoulder and or back as a symptom. Upper right abdomen pain, nausea and vomiting are common signs of gallbladder inflammation and acute infection. Cholecystitis is the medical term for this illness. These symptoms may be alleviated by surgically removing the gallbladder. When there is severe pain cholecystectomy is performed.


Presence of gallstones in gallbladder is called cholelithiasis. Many patients with cholelithiasis don’t experience any noticeable physical symptoms (asymptomatic gallstones).Some patients do experience sever pain called biliary colic It is usually located in The right upper quadrant of the belly and is intermittent, severe, cramping discomfort. The usual cause is when gallstones transiently blocking the cystic duct or the bile duct may last for a few minutes to many hours. A heavy fat rich meal is frequently linked to symptoms due to gallstones an acute cholecystitis episode.
The patient’s presentation has a significant impact on the medical management of gallstones. Individuals with no symptoms typically don’t need any kind of medical care. There are few exceptions with very large stones, family history of gallbladder cancer or native of places with high incidence of gallbladder cancer. In these surgery is recommended despite the gallstones causing no pain. Surgery is recommended for those experiencing symptoms. Due to the quicker recovery time, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is often favoured over open surgery. As of today, drugs are a poor treatment option for treating gallstones.


Acute and chronic gallbladder inflammation, known as cholecystitis, can happen after the formation of gallstones in some people.
The following are the most typical physical signs and symptoms of cholecystitis:

  • The abdomen’s upper right quadrant is inflamed and painful.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fever.
  • Jaundice.
  • Past ache after consuming huge, fatty meals.
  • Once patients have an episode of cholecystitis, the gallbladder organ becomes diseased and dysfunctional. Cholecystectomy surgery is mandatory in all these patients even if symptoms have resolved.
Description of Cholecystectomy Surgery

In order to visualize the internal organs and transfer this image onto a video monitor, the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure includes inserting a laparoscope ( a long, narrow cylindrical tube with a camera at one end) through a 0.4 in (1 cm) incision in the abdomen. The surgery is carried out by inserting additional instruments through three smaller incisions. In single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) all the three instruments are inserted through a single small skin incision at navel (umbilicus).
The gallbladder is removed during a traditional or open cholecystectomy by a surgical incision made high in the right belly, close to the ribs. To avoid fluid buildup at the surgical site, a drain may be used


The following symptoms are used to make the first diagnosis of acute cholecystitis:

  • Upper right quadrant stomach pain
  • Fever.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Pain made worse by coughing or moving.

The majority of patients have high amounts of leukocytes, or white blood cells. Blood samples are analyzed in a lab to identify the leukocyte levels.Gallbladder inflammation may be detected via ultrasonography.

Risks of Cholecystectomy Surgery

Every surgery , no matter whether done by open or laparoscopic technique has an associated risk of bleeding, infection and risk to life. As in laparoscopic surgery the wounds are significantly smaller, the risk of wound infection is less.
Any cholecystectomy surgery has a small risk of inadvertent bile duct injury which is the worse case scenario. In case it occurs, the management is messy and may require additional endoscopic procedures or surgery.
Although the laparoscopic procedure works effectively for the majority of patients with acute cholecystitis, roughly 5-20% of these individuals need to switch to the open technique.

Alternative Method

Many alternative treatment options have sprung up in recent years. Though they claim success to dissolving gallstones in some cases, the fundamental problem is not addressed. In case of gallstones it is the diseased dysfunctional gallbladder which is the main issue. Gallstones or its associated symptoms and or complications are the manifestation of this basic problem of diseased gallbladder. Even if stones get dissolved, with stopping of treatment used, recurrence of stones is a major problem. None of the alternative treatments till date have been able to improve the function of gallbladder. Hence even today, world over, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is still the gold standard treatment for symptomatic gallstone disease.